7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing A Forklift Tipping Skip Supplier
Whether you're familiar with forklift tipping skips or not, there are so many types and models available on the market that it can often seem impossible to choose the right skip let alone from the right tipping skip supplier.
There's a lot more than meets the eye with forklift tipping skips, with regular testing needed and relevant health and safety legislation to adhere to, so naturally, it can be challenging to keep up. But it's equally important that your tipping skip supplier helps you along the way, providing quality skips as well as customer support and technical guidance.
To make the process easier for you, we've compiled some of the top questions - complete with answers - that are worth asking any potential forklift tipping skip supplier.

Will My Tipping Skip Be Certified?
By law, all forklift tipping skips sold in the UK should come supplied with a Certificate of Conformity (EC Declaration of Conformity for Machinery). If this certification isn't offered by your skip supplier, you run the risk of prosecution by the HSE should any accident occur. Cover your employees, yourself, and your business by making sure your chosen tipping skip supplier can supply the appropriate health & safety documentation with your forklift skip

Are Your Forklift Skips Health & Safety Approved?
Any forklift skip should come certified with a 'CE' mark, as this is evidence that it's gone through stringent health & safety, and quality inspections and tests. By making sure your forklift tipping skip comes CE marked, you're guaranteed a skip that conforms to the Machinery Directive and abides with various legislative requirements. Without this important certification, not only is your tipping skip illegal to use, but there can be significant implications down the line in terms of health and safety.
Can You Answer My Technical Questions?
Not only should your forklift skip provider supply you with a tipping skip to suit your requirements, but it's important that you can have full knowledge of the skip you're purchasing. The company should be able to answer all and any technical questions you throw at them.
How Can I Be Sure I'm Buying My Tipping Skip From A Quality Supplier?
One indication that your chosen forklift tipping skip company is a quality manufacturer is whether or not they're registered by the British Standards Institution (BSI). If they display the BSI logo the company will have to undergo annual audits by the organisation's representatives as evidence that they adhere to its strict quality processes and procedures, including ISO 9000-2000. If your chosen forklift skip supplier uses the BSI logo, then you have peace of mind knowing that quality is high on their agenda.
What Guarantees and Warranties Do I Receive?
Any reputable tipping skip supplier worth its weight in gold will offer a warranty as a form of a promise to stand behind their products or a guarantee that they'll repair or replace your tipping skip, or give you a full refund if your forklift skip becomes faulty within a certain amount of time. Some suppliers will offer a guarantee or warranty that lasts longer than just one year, which is a sign they have complete confidence in the quality and workmanship of their tipping skips

Do You Offer Thorough Examination?
Using a forklift skip that came fully tested and in adherence with the relevant health & safety legislation doesn't mean it will always be fit for purpose down the line. The tipping skip will need periodic Thorough Examination (LOLER 98 and PUWER 98) testing by law, which is a little like a vehicle's MOT test. Companies that carry the CFTS accreditation can undertake Thorough Examination for you, and you can be rest assured that it will be carried out in full and be legally valid.
Do You Hold Spare Parts For My Tipping Skip?
Asking your supplier whether they have spare parts - in theory - will give you a straight-forward answer, but it's worth remembering that not all forklift skip companies can offer spare parts. Meaning if something needs replacing on your tipping skip, whether its the castors or the release handle mechanism and they don't supply spares, you may be faced with either long downtime or worst-case scenario, having to purchase a completely new unit. That can be avoided by asking the question in the first instance, and if they do have spare parts, will ensure you have minimal downtime while they get your forklift skip back up and running
We really are clued up when it comes to forklift tipping skips, so if you have any questions about anything mentioned in this guide - or would like to talk to someone about your tipping skip requirements - please do get in touch with a member of the team on 01686 611200 or sales@forkliftskipmarket.co.uk - We'd be more than happy to help